Talks that Last

Talks, workshops and other events. Upcoming and past.

Written by Michał Bojanowski


Using ‘igraph’ for SNA: advanced topics

The workshop will talk you through more advanced features of igraph such as node and edge indexing, segregation measurement and community detection.

July 5, 2022

Sunbelt 2022 / Cairns, Australia (Online)

By Michał Bojanowski in workshop

Simulating an empirically-calibrated, society-wide network and its intergroup cohesiveness

Together with Miranda Lubbers we are leading a project on simulating society-wide networks. Full description can be found here. BIGSSS 2022 is a third installment of a summer school / research incubator in Computational Social Science. This year’s research topic is social cohesion.

July 4 – 15, 2022

BIGSSS Computational Social Science Summer School on Social Cohesion / Groningen, the Netherlands

By Michał Bojanowski in summer school

Project description