Social Network Analysis with R
An intensive 5-day workshop on social network analysis with R going through concepts, methods and practice of social network analysis: network data, descriptive analysis and elements of statistical modeling.
An intensive 5-day workshop on social network analysis with R going through concepts, methods and practice of social network analysis: network data, descriptive analysis and elements of statistical modeling.
Theory and practice of fitting Exponential-family Random Graph Models to egocentrically sampled network data. Together with Statnet team.
An introdctory workshop to SNA tools in R. Together with Lorien Jasny.
An introdctory workshop to SNA tools in R. Together with Lorien Jasny.
The workshop will talk you through more advanced features of igraph such as node and edge indexing, segregation measurement and community detection.
The workshop will talk you through more advanced features of igraph such as node and edge indexing, segregation measurement and community detection.
An introdctory workshop to SNA tools in R. Together with Lorien Jasny.
Warsaw School of Data Analysis (WSAD). Website archived.